Sunday, July 03, 2005

One day at a time

Things are getting better today. We have been struggling with feeding issues and found ourselves in quite a cycle....with me in tears at times. He is a lazy eater (not like me) and is very stubborn (very much like me) and was losing way too much weight. And the more he lost, the more lethargic and lazy he got. Breaking that cycle nearly broke my heart. Gili's wife Michelle came over to help me and we rounded a corner. Yesterday and today we are finally getting enough food in him that he sleeps for 2.5 - 3 hours at a time and is on a set feeding schedule. Well, make that mostly. Seems he is nocturnal and likes to be up every 30 minutes when everyone else wants to sleep. If this keeps up, we are relocating to Japan. Hey, you can't have everything!