Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Elvis has entered the building

May has been a pretty busy month getting ready for our new arrival and ensuring Ethan knows how important it is to be a Big Brother. He is very excited and has been a big help getting the nursery together. Ethan is also about to celebrate his 2nd b-day and has moved to a new class at daycare. He is now in the two year old room with new teachers, Miss Jackie and Miss Nicole. He is going to miss his old friends and teachers. I don't know how to thank Mrs. Namita and Miss Melissa for everythng they have done for him and us and his first experience away from home. He has become such an indepenent boy thanks to their guidance and nurturing.

The pics are Ethan's Elvis impersonation using Daddy's sunglasses, nap time, and a lovely expression you can get on demand by asking Ethan simjply to say "cheese" to the camera. It ain't pretty.