Saturday, September 29, 2007

IBM Fun 5K Walk

This morning we all got up at the crack of dawn to go walk a 5k and have a little fun with our friends at work. We met Tracey and Nina at 8:15 and started our walk with kids and strollers at 9. We did the 5k in 54 minutes and then got back and had some great fun at the rec center. They did it up great for the kids with soccer kicks, fun races, bouncing houses, dragon tunnels, miniature golf and a huge slide (which Jeff and Ethan almost came down backwards). Nina and Ethan had such a great time! Ethan's favorite was the dragon and the snow cone and cotton candy. He remembers events in terms of the food eaten so I am sure this one will go down in history. I think he also loved the bus ride over to the rec center and back.