Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Christopher leaves us

The last few days have been bittersweet. We have packed a great amount of fun things in but it all leads to one end...the summer is over and Christopher goes back to Oregon. Ethan won't take off Christopher's hand me down golf glove and Christopher put him to bed tonight and read him his stories. It was really sweet.

We had a great day today with a nice family breakfast and then bowling again this afternoon. Jeff and I then took Christopher to a special Thai dinner and we had a great time trying sushi and new dishes. Grandma watched the younger two boys and when we came home, we all played a few hands of poker. Ethan wouldn't let Grandma part with any of her coins and would cry if she tried to use them. Jason was a great dealer but appeared to get bored near the end (see the photos). All the coins went back into the community poker bag since we don't really gamble with our kids. It would take more money to buy a poker set than the 6 dollars in spare change we keep around for the game. :-)