Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I'm a walking!

Yep....at first a few steps here and there over the last month but today I took off and walked. We aren't talking any few steps in succession here. We are talking 25 and across the entire room at daycare and then again at home. School is still a bit stressful at drop off time but I stand outside the room after I leave and just listen for a few minutes. By the time I sneak a peek in the window, he is quiet and playing with with the teacher. His favorite things are story time, bubbles, and playing with the buttons on the radio and the drinking fountain. That could correlate to why he seems to also come home with only half his clothes on.

For dinner tonight we had crab legs for the first time. How many 1 year olds do you know eat an entire hot dog (first time for that too), spoon of green beans, mac and cheese and then scream and beg for Mama's crab legs. Since he started on solids, I have yet to eat a meal without him talking some. I think Jeff is going to have to volunteer his food next time. Oh...he did also eat half my Key Lime pie but I probably didn't need that anyway. :-)

Christopher went to racing school today to do kart racing (http://www.rushhourkarting.com) and had a blast. There were three kids in the class and they had 4 hours of track time and worked on various exercises and then a heat. He is begging for more as we speak.

Christopher also took Ethan on his first bike ride as we went to the barn to feed the horses. Ethan just adores his big brother and lights up whenever he sees him. And Christopher is very gentle and always helpful with Ethan.

Cousin Anne sent me some pics from our day at Mom and Dad's after the wedding. Here is E in the pool and C playing Frisbee with the boys.