Thursday, March 23, 2006

We have all moved in to the homestead

December and January were nutty so I apologize for not posting. Hopefully my updates over the last few days have brought everyone back up to speed (if you are even still checking). We are finally settled for the most part and have only some boxes in storage and window treatments left to do. We brought our new barn cat (Helen Wheels) home the end of Feb and Easy and her friends home March 4th. We are expecting to get our dog MArtini from the adoption agency in the beginning of April. I will post some pics of the barn and pastures when I can.

We spend a lot of time at home now enjoying our animals and Ethan now. He is finally loving his room and toys and getting used to the routine. The jury is still out on Easy. He shrieks everytime she so much as looks at him. To be honest, a part of us misses living with Mom and Dad since it was so nice to have the help and all the little extras they always provided. On the other hand this has been really good for us and Ethan and Jeff are still in one piece so I can't be doing all that badly. And we still have occasional poker games. :-)

Wet but landscaped Posted by Picasa

Garage door Posted by Picasa