Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I have found paradise. There is this toy exerciser thingie that I can just start using now and he loves...and he has to stand up so it tires him out while teaching him to reach and stand. I finally get a free hand during play time and then Ethan takes a nice nap after his 15 minutes. Talk about double duty. There are plenty of toys to play with and items to drool and chew on. Seems this a natural progression for kids at this age....everything is a chew toy. I hope to steadily increase his time in here as his legs get stronger. There is one down side....it does not fit through a doorway once put together....so therefore he is sitting in the hall as I type this looking at me from afar (which he doesn't seem to mind).

We are also working more on the tummy time (which he hates) and some rolling over. He can do it if he can grab my finger for some leverage. And he is holding his head up on his own and really controlling it now. He has always thrown it around with confidence and could control it since he was 2 weeks old but now he can sit up and tripod and really turn it to follow people.