Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Looks like we made it!

A little worse for my wear.....and no drugs....but all is well and Ethan has arrived...with a record setting pace of 2 1/2 hours and did I mention no drugs? This was very disappointing and I think next time, I will book a room a week ahead of time just in case. Next time? You have got to be kidding me! The people who say you forget about it as soon as you see your baby? They lie!

It was scary and exciting and I have never felt anything like this in my life. It is overwhelming and I don't think I can sleep for fear he will stop breathing. I watch him for hours and every noise makes me jump up and run to the bassinet. And let me tell you, jumping is not really in my repertoire at this moment. It is more like a grimace, hop, limp, grunt, and lurch.

I am going to try and get some photos up but basically am just trying to keep my head above water. And enjoy my visitors! I have had calls and visits from so many people who care about us and it is very touching. I am very lucky to have the support network you all provide me.