Tuesday, June 21, 2005

First trip to the hospital

So we have been 2 cms since Tuesday the 14th without much progress. Then came yesterday. We had a nice doctor's visit with 2.5 cm and 90% effaced. No biggie aside from a slighly elevated blood pressure. Work went fine and then came last night. I had contractions...and they hurt. Did I mention ouch? And they were about 4-6 minutes apart and getting stronger. So I called Tracey...she said to call the doc. So I called the doc and went to Wake Med to get checked. Nada....after careful monitoring (and my much overdue tour of the hospital) they sent me home with a sleeping pill. By the way, Ambien is my friend. :-) So today I arrive at work at 10 a little drugged and in need of a lot of caffeine but otherwise, not in labor. As for these kick counts they make you do....I just keep putting little check marks in the squares....the directions say you have to count 7 kicks in 2 hours. And what do you write if the child is playing full court basketball with 12 of their closest friends?