Friday, September 26, 2008


Scene: Driving home from daycare in my little Mazda

Ethan: Mommy I don't like bumps.
Me: I'm sorry. The road is bumpy.
Ethan: Mommy I don't like bumps.
Me: I know Ethan, there isn't much I can do about it.
Ethan: Mommy I don't like bumps.
Me: Let's play a game. You can't talk unless you are asking a question. (Thinking: Oh my goodness, did I just encourage him to ask "Why" every five seconds. What was I thinking on that one. Smooth)
Ethan: Okay.

Time passes - oh, about 30 seconds.

Ethan: Mommy?
Me: Yes, Ethan
Ethan: I have a question
Me: Okay, what is it?
Ethan: I don't like bumps.
Me: That is not a question. That is a statement.
Ethan: Oh

Time passes - oh, about another 30 seconds

Ethan: Mommy?
Me: Yes, Ethan
Ethan: I have a statement.
Me: Okay, what is it?
Ethan: I don't like bumps.

And what do you say to that?

Some other cute ones lately. "Mommy, I have an idea"....."Let's make a plan".

So here are a few shots from this month. We got a dog named Tanner. He loves the boys and is a great dog. Here he is loving on Ethan. There is also a pic of my baby after eating an orange cupcake (Thanks for that one, Uncle Mikey. Next time you invite E over to swim, he is bringing a huge box of red food coloring. Kidding!)

Finally, here is E trying to fill Daddy's shoes.