Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bye-bye Tonsils

Ethan had his tonsils and adenoids removed today and got a new set of ear tubes while he was under as well. We are really hoping this puts an end to the constant antibiotic use, ear infections, and snoring/sleep apnia. You know it gets bad when your son walks into the house after his day at preschool and walks to the counter and says, "Med-cin". We could have stock in Motrin and Tylenol too.

The entire procedure took only an hour but we had to be there at 5:30 am and he needs to stay overnight. You have no idea how stressful it is to watch your little man walk down the hall in a hospital gown as he goes off for surgery. He so did not like the socks! We did treat him with some other drugs too to avoid the repeat of the terrors when he awakens in recovery.

When it was over, I got to ride up to the room with him on the stretcher and hold him. H really seems to be doing okay today but we were warned that the 4-7 day mark will be the hardest so we shall see. He really doesn't want to drink. I am so torn between the two kids. How could I stay overnight with E when breastfeeding Jason? It was so hard to leave him home during the day but they won't let newborns at the hospital and all Ethan kept asking for was "Baby Jason". Jeff stayed with Ethan overnight and brought him ice cream and popsicles and they really bonded. Ethan was very quiet and never even tried to get out of the hospital bed. Not at all like him. He will have to be home all week and hope we can keep him hydrated. Stay tuned.