Saturday, September 23, 2006

Duck Race

So Saturday we spent the entire day away from chores and the farm and took E to the duck race in Durham. What is a duck race you ask? It is where you can buy a rubber duck and put it into the water feature at the Tobacco district in Durham and race it to the finish line for prizes all in support of hunger. We bought two and used our birthdays for our duck numbers. We even got to pin real racing numbers on Jeff and Ethan's backs. Ethan had a fabulous time playing with dogs, watching the Durham Bulls Mascot, and running around the park. We went to Mellow Mushroom for lunch and had yummy pizza and really enjoyed our day with Gray and Georgia who were nice enough to invite us. You can check out the N&O for some more information on the event.

The American Tobacco campus is beautiful and we walked around downtown Durham looking at some cool art painted in buildings currently being restored. You can only see the art with a camera lens at a particular angle. You can read a lot more about it at the Rousse project website if you are interested.