Saturday, December 08, 2007

Christmas season

I have always loved the holidays but I can't even begin to describe how incredible they are this year. Jeff and Ethan did the Christmas train last weekend near our house ( . There is never enough time to get everything done these days but we started on the house, the lights, and of course the tree. Ethan is amazed at the tree and we had a great event getting it up and decorated. We went and bought it at this great local farm where we could also browse the crafty store, sip cider and eat home made cookies ( They also have the best dog old yellow dog that looks part hound but acts like a lab and the kids just adore him. They really make a nice event of it. We then took it home (with their help since it is 8 feet and change), put it up and put the lights on. Took us another few nights to put all the ornaments on it - it is huge! I still think we need more ornaments. :-)

Every day Ethan would watch us, help, and vacuum up the needles after us. All the while, touching it with reverence, blowing kisses at it and telling the tree how much he loves it. Here are a few pics of us decorating. The little ones had to stop for a snack break at one point.

Day 1 - the lights

Day 2 - the ornaments

Notice the looks on the faces in that last one. I don't usually think they look alike but something about their expressions makes me almost change my mind.

We took the boys to see Santa this morning and they had such a great time. Ethan was able to tell him how he wanted "presents" and Jason managed not to scream until right after we got him off the lap. Phew...crisis averted.

I also took Ethan on the carousel ride as is our tradition. Jeff and Jason watched and took pictures.